

最近剛好在拜讀何謂bitcoin, 如何運用等等~在介紹中看到金融業的運用
"Anti-money laundering (AML) and know your customer (KYC) practices have a strong potential for being adapted to the blockchain. Currently, financial institutions must perform a labour intensive multi-step process for each new customer. KYC costs could be reduced through cross-institution client verification, and at the same time increase monitoring and analysis effectiveness.
Startup Polycoin has an AML/KYC solution that involves analysing transactions. Those transactions identified as being suspicious are forwarded on to compliance officers. Another startup Tradle is developing an application called Trust in Motion (TiM). Characterized as an “Instagram for KYC”, TiM allows customers to take a snapshot of key documents (passport, utility bill, etc.). Once verified by the bank, this data is cryptographically stored on the blockchain."

結果剛好碰到了台新銀行 Richard app..因著加入有回饋100元的誘因下,也再三確認此為合法的銀行app就上去註冊了


Trust in Motion (TiM). Characterized as an “Instagram for KYC”, TiM allows customers to take a snapshot of key documents (passport, utility bill, etc.). Once verified by the bank, this data is cryptographically stored on the blockchain."
1. 註冊的部分在上傳ID/健保卡的步驟,簡單易懂;
2. 在擷取照片時,也有框框讓使用者可以清楚知道要放在框內
3. 若照片不清楚:又可以直接重新來過

以上的註冊步驟 我都是自己輸入帳號/設定密碼/確認資訊 並未透過『銀行行員』
KYC costs could be reduced through cross-institution client verification, and at the same time increase monitoring and analysis effectiveness.

由於畢竟不是使用單位 不能確定其實際運作是否真是使用blockchain 但透過這次的經驗 對於blockchain的實用性更有感

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