#disable auto service
sudo systemctl disable application.service
#To list systemd services on CentOS/RHEL 7.x+ use
#The syntax is:
systemctl | more
systemctl | grep httpd
systemctl list-units --type service
systemctl list-units --type mount
#To list all services:
systemctl list-unit-files
#find pid
#查詢網卡名稱及使用的 IP 地址, 即如同直接執行 “ifconfig” 一樣:
$ ip a
$ ip addr
$ ip address
$ ip addr show
Vim Text Editor
vi sudo
Find the following code:
## Allow root to run any commands anywhere
root ALL=(ALL) ALL
In this case, we’re granting root privileges to the user mynewuser . Add the following below that code:
#modify user password, must be root user
sudo passwd linuxize(username)
Enter new UNIX password:
Retype new UNIX password:
passwd: password updated successfully
#list all services name
systemctl list-unit-files --type=service
#remove file without asking
rm -f XX.*
#check disc usage space
df -h
#check indoe space
df -i
#Check file size
cd /
du -sh *
摘要:Linux Ubuntu 硬碟大小查詢
df -h 可知道目前硬碟剩餘空間與使用空間
du -h 可知目前此資料夾下所有檔案與資料夾所佔硬碟大小總數
du -s 可知目前此資料夾總共佔用硬碟大小總數,以G為單位
du -sh 可知目前此資料夾總共佔用硬碟大小總數,以G為單位
ls -l可看檔案大小
於 Linux 如何查看 詳細的硬體資訊、型號
先記錄硬碟的部份, 有下述幾種指令可以使用:
sudo smartctl -i /dev/sda # 顯示硬碟型號及規格, apt-get install smartmontools
sudo hdparm -i /dev/sda1 # apt-get install hdparm
sudo hdparm -I /dev/sda1 # 更詳細的資訊